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How to build a Website for a small or medium size company?

We will discuss here the process of making website step by step here. At first we need domain. For example,


are some domains. It's the way to introduce you in information super-highway. Just imagine the domain name as a mobile number or bank account no! It's your identity.

Now second thing, Hosting. It's the space where you keep files that people see while browsing. Now imagine the hosting space as deposited money in your bank account, it can be 100 USD or 1 million! Hosting space may be limited or unlimited. But to run a normal website successfully, we need minimum 1 GB space. Beside that we must keep knowledge about bandwidth. Here bandwidth means how many people can visit or how many times a website could be visited in each month. 100 GB bandwidth is sufficient for a normal website. If one visitor takes 10 MB data, then that website could be visited for 10,000 times in a month.

We should buy domain and hosting from any trusted source, like:

There are two types of domain. First one is 'Top Level Domain' or TLD. These are 'global'. These domains have these type of extension like .com, .net, .org, .biz etc. Other domains are for any specific country, like .us for United States of America, .bd for Bangladesh.

First, check your preferred domain is available or not. You are the only owner of your mobile phone number (with country code). No one of this planet will be able to acquire the same mobile number that you have. Just like this example, if anyone registers a domain name, no one will be able to get that.

Now think about right hosting package. Choose the perfect hosting plan for you.

Remember three things:

  • You must have an International MasterCard or Visa Card or Paypal to buy online, and an email account.
  • Some hosting packages include one free domain, so if you are offered; no need to buy domain separately.
  • Domain and Hosting are sold on one year basis. If you do not renew at least before 15 days of expiration date; you will lose everything.

Keep these information somewhere:

  • Your email account's username & Password (already you have)
  • Domain control panel's login URL, ID & Password (Hosting company will provide you)
  • Hosting control panel or cPanel's login URL, ID & Password (Hosting company will provide you)
  • CMS's login URL, ID & Password (Your web developer will create it)

Keep all passwords safe and secret (with domain's secret key)

Old days, websites were built on only HTML. Now special websites are built especially on PHP, like Facebook. But 'Content Management System' or CMS are the best solution for small or medium size companies. WordPress, Joomla, Drupal all are CMS, and obviously WordPress is best of all. To build the website, you need to hire a Web Developer. You will have to share Hosting control panel or cPanel's login URL, ID & Password. After completing project must change the passwords of Hosting control panel or cPanel and CMS. Hosting provider will provide you a cPanel where you will upload content. Normally the address is

Thousands of Themes (or you can say 'Ready Designs') are available. Exclusive designs are commercial, normal designs are free to use. Even you can maximize the performance adding PlugIn in website. PlugIns are both 'Commercial' and 'Free to use'.

Last one thing, to find out owner information of a website, visit: and these are for TLDs only where to get country specific WhoIS, try Google Search.

Thank you

Tawhidur Rahman Dear

IT Consultant, App Developer, Theme and PlugIn Developer, Full Stack Web Developer, SEO Expert, Security Adviser, IT Blogger

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